Amurican ( Moorish) Nation Permanent Mission

:Survey-Referral: Department

:Survey-Referral: Department
Moorish Nationals proposals and projects
Transportation Department (Gusumment)
Economic Department ( Gasumment)
Science Department ( Gasumment)
Court Cases Report
Education Department
Nativity Fill in the Form / Know thyself
Autochthon Assignment page
Affirmation By Nationals / Becoming A Contractor
Health Department ( Gasumment )
Media Department (Gasumment)
Historian/Researcher Department ( Gasumment )
Music Department
Olden Ones and Ancient Ones
Our Purpose
XI-Hau Mandate

Do you consider water as a major aspect of your life?
if you stated yes, would like to introduce yourself and family to the best alkaline water
Would you like to drink water that is pure and doesn't have additives?
Would you like to drink water that rid the body of diabetes, high blood pressure, skin problems, and provides a natural detox
Would like to have all the energy and moor, without pills, or food, just water
If you are an athlete, would you like to improve your performance off of pure structured water instead of energy drinks?

!Trust Property - Honey! Our honey is raw and has no preservatives which helps the immune system.Would you like for personal use or to distribute our TRUST product !
!Trust Property-Superior! products which includes our Cactus healing source, healing moisture-riser, Shampoo, and spring water
!Trust Property-H12O6!- Our water is 7.29 PH, achieves homeodilution, which is the successful restoration of water to drought-stressed cells
!Trust Property Afroman! We have our online children program that projects the positive images of Moorish/African-American animation/cartoon, dvds, and books for greater self-esteem!
! Trust Product from 7portals! We have Monatomic powder, Electronic Pollution and negativity shield eye, and The valley of the kings crstal scroll. "Crystal Technology Art Solutions for ELECTRONIC Pollution that you wear as a shield that filters low radiation that passing through your body physical/grand supreme temple at 80 million particles per second daily, electromagnet fields (man made), and other electronic pollution from your body physical and from your Haalat/auric egg/ auric field
!Trust Property Ice-Cream! Are you-Lactose or Gluten Intolerant? Diabetic? Celiac? Vegan?.• NO Dairy NO Soy, Rice NO Cholesterol NO Trans Fat NO Gums NO GMO's . Would you like for personal use or to distribute our TRUST product ice-cream

If you are willing to support our efforts, please "CLICK HERE" to finish the survey pertaining to our additional TRUST products/services so we can develop the trust and support that promotes a healthy economy

Full Name:
Our referral base program. We will exchange through trust $60=20 points for your referral to acquire our trust property/services/products valuing $240. The beginning of this program for points, referral amount, and service amount is set, but you can accumulate up to 140 pts and receive the $420 referral exchange! After 3 referrals, you are welcome to lowering referral amount $30 =10pts for remaining $130 services/programs/trust property.
E-Mail Address:

Nation Building ( our duty ) audio

Mahalaws Yamassee
copyright/copyclaim 2005
all rights reserved

Full name:
Email address:

We cal on all CARBON / MELANINATED, NUBIAN,  Indigenous (Muurs) People to endorse the She People(Muurs) and contribute time, resources and funds to help organize this important undertaking. To participate in the MelaninBase's organizing process, all Indigenous Muurs contact Mr. Ankh @ 1-614-568-3733 Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage to fill in the surveys daily, wekly , monthly until our goals are met , if you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of our organization.